Kona Toastmasters meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., now at its new location at Suite Possibilities at 75- 5737 Kuakini Hwy, No. 102. Kona Toastmasters meets on the first and third Tuesday of
Kona Toastmasters meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., now at its new location at Suite Possibilities at 75- 5737 Kuakini Hwy, No. 102.
Kona Toastmasters offers peer support and training in the art of communication. Members hone skills in organizing and expressing their thoughts through: spontaneous sharing in meetings, writing and giving structured speeches, and evaluating speeches. Members have opportunities to develop leadership skills by hosting segments of the meeting and taking on decision-making positions.
Guests are invited. Sit in on a meeting and see what Toastmasters is all about. Visit www.konatoastmasters.com, contact Lynn Bell at 989-7494, Amadeus Schuller at 280-3337, or email aloha@konatoastmasters.com for more information.