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Action needed now


It is apparent that the safety systems put in place by the geothermal plant in Pahoa were not adequate.

Between the company and the state, there was a big rush to get this completed, without looking at the dangers down the road. The county, after the recent Pahoa meeting, is now making evacuation plans. That is good.

County Council members Dominic Yagong, Pete Hoffmann, Brenda Ford, Angel Pilago and Brittany Smart were very concerned with the testimony of residents.

The relocation plans and purchase of property is woefully lacking. The state does not care. The state Senate, at the last moment, pushed by Sen. Gabbard, snuck through a bill to complete an interisland cable for power transmission. The County Council is doing what it can. However, the ball is in the state’s court and I hear nothing from them.

If they do not do anything, it’s time for a change. This can only be done with your vote.

Bob Dukat


Sign-waving hazards

This letter is in regard to driving distractions. Not long ago, there was an article about roadside memorials not being allowed to be left too long on the roadside since they may be a distraction, but it also was a reminder to drive defensively. Driving while on cell phones or texting are also a distraction, which I agree you should not do.

The thing I totally disagree with is our lawmakers and their supporters standing on the roadside with bright colored shirts, flags, signs, sitting on a horse, carrying a surfboard, and/or carrying a duck — all trying to get your attention off the road. Now that is what I consider a major distraction to the drivers on the road, especially when they are standing on the bypass in Keaau or on Highway 11 trying to get your attention when you most certainly should be keeping your eyes on the road!

I have actually seen drivers come to a complete stop on Highway 11 to wave at someone standing on the side of the road waving a sign, nearly causing accidents.

Come on, people, let’s set a good example. Put on a campaign shirt and go do some community service. That will help our community, and I bet you would get your name out there and get a lot more votes that way. I certainly am NOT voting for the ones waving to me on the side of the road.

Sharon Martins


What’s next?

Let’s hope the recent devastation wrought by a spate of tornadoes, flooding and droughts will return to a more “normal” schedule of weather patterns. Unfortunately, weather forecasters have yet to see any signs of such a hoped for abatement.

Especially interesting are the geographical locales where the brunt of these stormy weather patterns is touching down. With so much consistency in the affected areas, it is easy for the extremist-believing evangelicals to rationalize a transcendental purpose behind this mass destruction.

People are noticing to their peril that the areas where the fierce storms hit coincidentally happen also to be areas wherein the Bible Belt is found, including most of the southern states, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and into the Dakotas. The death toll in Alabama, alone, has exceeded 200 as entire towns were razed with good folks left with a skeleton of what they once called home. One town found its three churches no longer existed.

What is causing the atypical severity of these weather spikes? Some are saying global warming, but there are too many other emotional and religious factors emerging as possibilities to write off planet-warming as the main cause.

Evangelists are fundamentalists who comprise the most literal, God-fearing Americans, and they’re getting twitchy about what could be going on with this God to whom they have given such loyal and sacrificial obeisance. Born-agains are wondering if the devastation is, in reality, the hand of God inflicting His wrath upon their sins, while televangelists rush to explore end times.

Perhaps it is Allah who is raining down this terror upon Christians, because His Koran dictates that non-Islam worshipers be either converted or killed.

So what’s in store next for many of these Bible-belted storm victims? The 2012 hurricane season has just arrived!

Don Bremer


What about people?

Regarding “Dog gets a new leash on life,” May 31, Hawaii Tribune-Herald: If only all two-legged creatures could receive the kind and loving medical care given to “Penelope” at the East Hawaii Veterinary Center, this world would be a better place.

Linn L. Solomon
