Skip ‘pseudo science’
Oh, give us a break with your “What’s next?” Christian attack letter, Mr. Don Bremer and Editor David Bock (Your Views, Tribune-Herald, June 3). What a waste of space to push atheistic pseudo science (like global warming) under such a ridiculous rubric as “climate change.”
God forbid that any Americans would adhere to Biblical principles about national virtue and divine blessings (Proverbs 14:34) in our age of national decline into drunkenness, debauchery, deviancy, disease and destruction. For we all know, America became great because of its devotion to deism and atheism. Yeah, right!
Might I remind our people that the Christian religious beliefs that are being constantly maligned nowadays do not take a single positive, decent and healthy liberty away from anyone.
On the other hand, the unscientific and pagan “Green Gaia” beliefs and policies that Mr. Bremer and most of our politicians and corporations (from food to utility companies) are pushing upon us are taking away your freedoms in every facet of your existence — not to mention your money and very lives.
Global warming: Debate it or dump it. Let freedom of speech ring!
Gerald Wright
Teacher has agenda
As a resident of Pahoa, I was happy to see the article about the college student, Kyla Maunakea, who organized a Puna political event (Tribune-Herald, June 3). I was disappointed, however, that her sociology professor, Noelie Rodriguez, was quoted as saying we should get involved and follow the news — just “not Fox News.” What news station does she recommend?
In my day, students were invited to look at both sides of an issue and maybe even take sides and have a debate. If teachers, in their positions of authority, cannot allow students to come to their own conclusions on what news media they wish to utilize, then “the future that we are leaving to our young people” will be biased.
For those who find some of the commentators on Fox News too strident, may I recommend on Saturdays and Sundays “The Journal Editorial Report” with Paul Gigot, “Fox News Watch” with John Scott, and the “Huckebee Show.” These three once-a-week programs seem to gather up the week’s important news (some of which is never aired on the main networks), cover it in more detail, and offer both sides of the picture. “Fox News Watch,” in particular, looks at bias in the news and has both conservative and liberal panel members.
Here’s to encouraging objective students who can think for themselves and become confident adults who don’t have to follow along to get along.
Judi Motteler