A 20-year-old woman last seen in Hilo on Sunday morning has been reported missing. A 20-year-old woman last seen in Hilo on Sunday morning has been reported missing. The woman, Chelsey Lewis, is described as being Hawaiian, 5-foot-4, 120 pounds,
A 20-year-old woman last seen in Hilo on Sunday morning has been reported missing.
The woman, Chelsey Lewis, is described as being Hawaiian, 5-foot-4, 120 pounds, having a slim build with a tan complexion. She has long dark hair and brown eyes. She may possibly be traveling in an older model green Mazda pickup truck.
Police ask that anyone with information on her whereabouts call the Police Department’s nonemergency line at 935-3311.
Tipsters who prefer to remain anonymous may call Crime Stoppers at 961-8300 in Hilo or 329-8181 in Kona.