HGEA golf outing set for Aug. 17 at Volcano
Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:05 am
The Hawaii Government Employees Association will have a golf fellowship on Aug. 17 at the Volcano Country Club. Open to all HGEA members, retirees and associate members who are in good standing, there are 10 tee times from 7:30-8:24 a.m.
The format will be a two-person scramble with 25 percent of your August handicap being used — if you do not have an established handicap, the Calloway system will be used to determine your net score — with alternate drives and rotate putting.
There will be a $10 jackpot per team, including low-net places and closest-to-the-pin prizes.
To register, call Darrell Yamamoto at 938-4431.