Hawaii Learning Resource will offer a free educator workshop presented by Kavita Rao of the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Education.
Hawaii Learning Resource will offer a free educator workshop presented by Kavita Rao of the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Education.
“Universal Design for Learning: Strategies and Tools to Engage Diverse Learners” will be held drom 9 a.m.-3 p.m. March 9, at Kanu o ka Aina New Century Public Charter School, 64-1043 Hiiaka St. in Waimea. This workshop is designed for educators of Elementary School students.
Participants will review the Universal Design for Learning framework which provides practical ideas for designing instruction for diverse learners in the classroom.
Rao is an assistant professor in the College of Education Department of Special Education. She teaches courses on educational and assistive technologies and has been a teacher trainer for more than 15 years.
This free workshop is made possible through grant funding from the Hawaii Hotel Industry Foundation and Hawaiian Tug and Barge/Young Bros. Ltd.
Register online at www.hawaiilearningresource.org, or contact Hawaii Learning Resource at info@hawaiilearningresource.org or
Hawaii Learning Resource is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1998 whose mission is to empower all kinds of learners through partnerships that bring advances in teaching and learning to our community.