Preschool tuition assistance

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Parents of keiki ages 3-4 may qualify to get help paying for preschool tuition for the 2013-2014 school year.

Parents of keiki ages 3-4 may qualify to get help paying for preschool tuition for the 2013-2014 school year.

People Attentive to Children, a nonprofit known as PATCH, is dedicated to supporting and improving the quality and availability of care for Hawaii’s young people. The group began open enrollment for a preschool subsidy program on March 1. Children born in 2009 or special-needs children born in 2010 may be eligible for Preschool Open Doors tuition assistance.

The POD project allows more children go to preschool by helping parents pay preschool costs for one year.

The program was created to assist low-income families, and eligibility is determined by family income. Last year, POD received over 1,200 applications and enrolled 525 children. Download an application form from the PATCH website at, or contact PATCH toll-free at 1-800-746-5620 for more information.

“Spaces fill quickly, so completing an application as soon as possible is recommended,” said PATCH spokeswoman Lissa Van Kralingen.

PATCH operates the project on behalf of the state Department of Human Services.

“Preschool Open Doors believes it is important for every child to have the opportunity for a positive learning experience. Preschool prepares children for kindergarten, teaches social skills, recognition of shapes and letters, and allows children to explore and discover their world in a learning environment.”