The Friends of the Hilo Library were able to generate over $8,000 in revenue, including donations, during their Spring book sale and a HUGE debt of gratitude is owed to the many volunteers, book buyers, library staff and others who
The Friends of the Hilo Library were able to generate over $8,000 in revenue, including donations, during their Spring book sale and a HUGE debt of gratitude is owed to the many volunteers, book buyers, library staff and others who contributed to the sale.
The money brought in is pumped directly back into the library for needs the state is unable to fill – new books, story tellers for the Children’s Division, reading incentive programs and, this year, a DVD resurfacing machine long needed by the library. And again we can fund a scholarship for a Library Information Science student at the University of Hawaii.
A very special “Mahalo” is owed to the fiction specialists, Sharon Vannatta and Helen Matsui, the Hilo Key Club members, and BISAC for the free parking on Saturday. And a big salute to the custodians and librarians who put up with the disruption that a book sale causes in their normal routine. The Friends were also impressed and want to thank the many book buyers who provided their own recyclable bags to carry their purchases home.
To all of you out there who contributed to the success of our sale – many, many thanks!
Jane Webb
Sally Kegler
Friends of the Hilo Public Library
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