The Warrior Soccer Club is raising money for travel expenses to take a team of girls to play soccer in California. The trip will give the players exposure and an opportunity to show their talent in a college showcase tournament.
The Warrior Soccer Club is raising money for travel expenses to take a team of girls to play soccer in California. The trip will give the players exposure and an opportunity to show their talent in a college showcase tournament.
The club invites the community to help out, and have fun at the same time, at two fundraising tournaments.
The first, on Saturday, May 11, will be a bunco dinner tournament at 6 p.m. at Shipman Park. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m., with bunco dice games to start at 7 p.m. Please sign up in advance with Jobette Nabarro. The cost is $25 and the top prize is $100.
A kickball tournament fundraiser will be held Friday through Sunday, May 24-26, also at Shipman Park. There is a $150 entry fee, with a maximum of 15 players per team. There will be three divisions: men’s, women’s and coed. Contact Nabarro for more info at 960-4671.
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