Take a stand Take a stand ADVERTISING Regarding “Council won’t bet on bingo,” Aug. 22, Tribune-Herald: Yada, yada, yada. Same story, hundredth verse … could be better, but it’s gonna be worse. “Gambling is dangerous” was heard for the umpteenth
Take a stand
Regarding “Council won’t bet on bingo,” Aug. 22, Tribune-Herald: Yada, yada, yada. Same story, hundredth verse … could be better, but it’s gonna be worse.
“Gambling is dangerous” was heard for the umpteenth time, from those that either insist on controlling your life and choices, or Las Vegas mouthpieces protecting their turf. Perhaps both.
What else is new, eh? Vegas continues to have a very big interest in keeping Hawaii residents with gaming interests on planes to play their own machines — which, I’m told, are sold to the casinos by the Mormons. Smell a little hypocrisy here, folks?
Of course, there’s still no state lottery, as Hawaii is the only state other than Utah not to have one, keeping that spot warm in Utah’s bed — and wallet!
And now, high-stakes bingo is on their cutting block.
The Aloha State just can’t seem to resist that siren call, sometimes called bribe money, to keep Hawaii residents spending in Vegas. Can’t someone here resist and let locals keep their money in Hawaii?
Before voting in local elections, perhaps we citizens could check candidates on their views. There’s got to be an honest man or woman willing to take a stand for the people of these islands.
Kelly McDonald
Kehena Beach Estates
Save the pool
Help! Can someone 0ut there save our pool?
The YWCA pool will be permanently closed on Aug. 31 and filled with sand. That is, unless some miracle happens. That’s what we’re praying for.
The YWCA is a non-profit organization and has been the lifeline for a great number of senior men and women in our community. It has been therapeutic, recreational and a social means of communication. It featured lap swimming, water aerobics, family swim, pool parties and private swim classes.
For the past two years, it has been touch-and-go, and we have asked for a copy of their financial statements to help us understand why there is not enough money to continue with this operation, but we’ve had no success.
Time is running out. There must be something we can do to stop this devastation from happening. Please, someone help us!
Jeannette Lesko