The Boys &Girls Club of the Big Island will host a winter intersession program Monday, Dec. 23, through Friday, Jan. 3, for East Hawaii keiki. Intersession cost is $110 per child, and $100 for each additional sibling. The daily rate is $20 per child. If he or she is not a current member, there will be an additional $10 membership fee.
The Boys &Girls Club of the Big Island will host a winter intersession program Monday, Dec. 23, through Friday, Jan. 3, for East Hawaii keiki. Intersession cost is $110 per child, and $100 for each additional sibling. The daily rate is $20 per child. If he or she is not a current member, there will be an additional $10 membership fee.
The BGCBI will be closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, and will close 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Dec. 24 and Dec. 31.
Registration deadline is Wednesday.
For more information, visit and click on “membership forms,” or call 961-5536.
The intersession will be hosted at the club’s main facility at 100 Kamakahonu St. in Hilo.