The Volcano Art Center will present “Introduction to Zentangle,” a workshop with Julie Evans and Lois and Earl Stokes, the island’s only certified Zentangle teachers. The workshop will be offered from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday at the VAC Niaulani Campus.
The Volcano Art Center will present “Introduction to Zentangle,” a workshop with Julie Evans and Lois and Earl Stokes, the island’s only certified Zentangle teachers. The workshop will be offered from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday at the VAC Niaulani Campus.
Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It is a fascinating new art form that has ancient connections to universal symbol and pattern making.
At first it just seems like doodling, but on another level the symbols used, are shared across cultures and times. Prepare to be surprised and delighted with what comes from your pen when you allow it. For people who are convinced that they cannot draw, Zentangle removes barriers.
For people who consider themselves as artists, Zentangle removes blocks and opens the door to inspiration. If you can draw a dot, a line, and a circle, you can create these patterns. Learning to break down a task into its simplest form, then repeating it over and over, creates confidence. An additional benefit is the creation of something beautiful and that is empowering. A small change in the outer world creates inner change.
The workshop will be in Hale Ho‘omana, VAC’s education building.
The cost is $30 for VAC members, $35 for non-members, plus a $10 supply fee payable at time of registration. Advance registration is required and light refreshments will be provided.
Call 967-8222 for more information and to register.