AAUW Hilo Branch members Barbara Meguro and Kristen Luning judged and awarded prizes to 10 junior female research students in the junior division at the Hawaii District Science &Engineering Fair on Feb. 8 in Hilo. ADVERTISING AAUW Hilo Branch members
AAUW Hilo Branch members Barbara Meguro and Kristen Luning judged and awarded prizes to 10 junior female research students in the junior division at the Hawaii District Science &Engineering Fair on Feb. 8 in Hilo.
AAUW awarded $20 cash awards and certificates of merit to Alana Pollock: Habitat Study on Pacific Golden Plover (Kolea); Tiemey E. Wold: Piercing the Sky; Halia Buchal: Do plants grow better under different colors of light?; Kealia Haitsuka: Cleaning up the ocean!; Ina H.Klasner: Our Acidic Island; Anne Nakamoto: Ant Appetites: A Study of the Feed Preferences of the Recent Invader Cardiocondyla Kagutsuchi in Hale Pohaku; Kaley Slaudares: CSI: Doing it Right (finding fingerprints with different techniques); Ana Gabriella Uhr: The Effect of Acid Rain on Ipomea Batatas; and Mari K. Ebersole: Fruit Ripening: Ethylene Study; Chloe Mahina Hughes: Ocean Acidification, what shall we do?
The Hilo Branch of the AAUW (American Association of University Women) advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.
Visit the organization’s website at www.hilo-hi.aauw.net.