Your Views for May 29

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Mahalo, diners

Mahalo, diners

I want to thank the anonymous diners at the Hilo Burger Joint who paid for the lunch for myself and my wife on Memorial Day.

I had just come from a memorial service at Veterans Cemetery No. 1 and was in my uniform as an Air Force master sergeant. I had presented a spray of flowers on behalf of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 9.

Your kindness was much appreciated. I will pay it forward.

Paul Hanson

Msgt Ret. USAF, Pahoa

Exploiting heroes

Memorial Day was originally created to remember those in the military who made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for our country. Eventually, Memorial Day has also evolved into remembering all others from all walks of life who have passed on.

However, it is so shameful to see retail stores taking advantage of this once-a-year somber event by having “Memorial Day Sale” events, capitalizing off of those who have passed before us.

May we ask that all retail outlets, for next year’s Memorial Day sale, omit “Memorial Day” and just announce “Monday Sale.”

Rick LaMontagne


Confusing signs

A candidate for the County Council has displayed their campaign signs throughout Puna with the word “RE-ELECT” prominently featured.

How can we, the voters of Puna, RE-ELECT someone to an office they do not currently hold? This has to be confusing to new residents (new voters) of District 4.

While the candidate is to be applauded for recycling previous campaign signage, I find the lack of respect due the voters appalling. Doesn’t this candidate think voters can read?

Maybe re-doing your signs with the word “RETURN” would be more appropriate and create more understanding among the voters.

Richard J. Robbins


In harmony

Who can blame Fordham University’s distinguished theology professor, Sister Elizabeth Johnson, for her statement, “Women are uncomfortable with ‘the dominant images of God as father, lord, and king’ ” in Maureen Dowd’s article (Wednesday, May 14) under the impeccable heading, “With malice toward nuns”?

Referring to God as “male” consciously or subconsciously elevates men to where they do not belong, and degrades women consciously or subconsciously to where they do not belong.

Using the pronoun “it” and its derivatives may be the solution.

We can also be mindful of one of the most remarkable precepts in the Baha’i Faith: man and woman are the wings of humanity.

I cannot imagine our bald eagle reaching its highest high without its two wings in total harmony.

Abraham Sadegh
