Catechists and classroom aides were commissioned by Fr Rufino Gepiga at the 10:00am mass on Catechetical Sunday at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Papaikou. ADVERTISING Catechists and classroom aides were commissioned by Fr Rufino Gepiga at the 10:00am mass
Catechists and classroom aides were commissioned by Fr Rufino Gepiga at the 10:00am mass on Catechetical Sunday at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Papaikou.
Religious Education Coordinator Oarlene Wingate and High School Youth Ministry Coordinator Inez Johnson presented certificates and thanked the volunteers for their dedication and commitment to the program and the children.
Wingate says “registration continues for children and youth from 4years of age through the 12th grade. Children need to begin classes early to prepare for First Communion which is received in the 2nd grade. Continuing to attend classes each year allows the child to gain a deeper understanding of their own relationship to Jesus in their faith journey.
For information or registration forms, call the church office at 964-1240