Your Views for October 17

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HELCO ready?

HELCO ready?

Another storm, Ana, is headed our way. Is HELCO prepared? I don’t think so. The last time they were not, with five days of warning. We now have five days warning. Will they be prepared ?

Please remember to vote.

Bob Dukat


Picking sides

Statements made by Ron Gonzales, who is running against incumbent County Councilwoman Margaret Wille, are a stew of confusion.

He says of issues, that if the community doesn’t want it, he would represent the community and not tell them what to think. Yet, he disagrees with the GMO ban that was supported by a wide majority of the Big Island’s community, which turned out in droves to testify for the bill.

Like many other public servants, he has co-opted the word “sustainability” to mean more of the same old way of doing things, keeping the status quo well and alive.

The challenges facing us — wilder climate, sea level rise, failing fish stocks, protecting our natural resources, newborns poisoned by agricultural pesticides, keeping the people and environment in robust health — all require creative, visionary thinking based in true sustainability, not a pocketful of union memberships and a rich super-PAC to pay for negative advertising against his opponent.

Merle Hayward


Outlaw flatulence

The (Oct. 11 Tribune-Herald) article starts out, “They don’t leave butts on the beach. And there’s no secondhand smoke.”

Couldn’t it be argued e-cigs (electronic cigarettes) are a form of treatment to help those addicted to nicotine?

Why does the Kona councilman, Dru Kanuha, have to stick his nose up into the e-cig people? Doesn’t he have other things to do that are more important?

He cited complaints about people “feeling” that their air was being violated. Come on, what’s next — flatulence?

I would much rather see a vapor cloud from an e-cig than the invisible stench of last night’s bean burrito. Outlaw flatulence, Mr. Kanuha, and then you would really be doing some good.

Kanuha is exactly the kind of person the Constitution was designed to protect us from.

Roger Schweitzer
