UH-Hilo clinics in Waimea
Waimea Athletics will host a free youth clinic featuring the University of Hawaii at Hilo baseball and softball programs from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 26 at Waimea Park.
Players 9-14 will participate in advanced hitting, pitching-catching, batting and fielding stations.
Deadline to order optional clinic T-shirt is April 17.
For info more information, contact 640-5519 or waimeaathletics@gmail.com.
Hoops league benefits St. Joe
There will be a men’s adult basketball league held April through July at St Joseph High gym.
The league is a fundraiser for the Cardinals’ boys basketball team.
For more information, contact Dean Au at 238-6390 or deanau construction@hotmail.com.
Volleyball in tap at Hilo Armory
The Lokahi Coed Volleyball League starts at Hilo Armory on April 7, and there are still openings for “A” division teams.
The league runs from April 7 to May 27 from 7-10 p.m. on Tuesdays.
The cost is $40 per team and the deadline to sign up is March 31.
For more information, contact Kawika at volley mana@gmail.com or go visit htttp://www.league lineup.com/lcvl.
Golf fundraiser for Kohala grads
There there will be a golf tournament to support Kohala High School’s Project Grad at 8 a.m. March 29 at Waikoloa Village Golf Course.
The two-person scramble tournament will include a goody bag and post-tournament lunch. Entry fee is $100 per player. Hole sponsorships and prize donations are also being sought.
Project Grad is an overnight drug and alcohol free event which takes place immediately following graduation on May 30.
According to a release, “graduating seniors participate in a safe, chaperoned event that will include bonding activities, music, food and fun.
“Proceeds from the golf tournament will help defray the costs of Project Grad, which is not sanctioned by the Department of Education and is being organized by parents with the support of police and emergency departments, community members and businesses.”
For more information, contact John Kometani at johnkometani@gmail.com or call 756-3449.