A buildup of fumes from a solvent closed the Kailua-Kona Post Office retail lobby Friday morning. ADVERTISING A buildup of fumes from a solvent closed the Kailua-Kona Post Office retail lobby Friday morning. The counter area of the post office
A buildup of fumes from a solvent closed the Kailua-Kona Post Office retail lobby Friday morning.
The counter area of the post office was off limits until shortly after lunch, with a sign advising customers an unexpected occurrence resulted in the facility’s closure until authorities gave clearance to reopen.
The postmaster decided to not open the counter area after employees detected a buildup of fumes from a solvent used to remove asbestos-containing glue. Contractors applied the solvent the night before as part of a carpet removal project at the Palani Road facility. The building was ventilated and reopened by 1 p.m..
“The decision to reopen was made after a midday assessment of the air quality in the post office determined that the morning-long ventilation of the facility had eliminated any hazard associated with the overnight use of the solvent in the office,” spokesman Duke Gonzales said from Honolulu in an email.
Customers were able to use a kiosk for credit and debit card purchases of postage during the closure and access their mailboxes. The self-service kiosk was capable of handling any shipping or mailing need except oversized packages and mail needing a customs form, according to the USPS.
Mail continued to be processed at the delivery operations area, which is set apart from the retail lobby. Gonzales said mail delivery was expected to be delayed until about 4 p.m. Friday.
Email Bret Yager at byager@westhawaiitoday.com.
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