Kamehameha Schools Hawaii elementary school students recently completed the 10th anniversary of their annual Pennies for Pauahi giving campaign. ADVERTISING Kamehameha Schools Hawaii elementary school students recently completed the 10th anniversary of their annual Pennies for Pauahi giving campaign. With
Kamehameha Schools Hawaii elementary school students recently completed the 10th anniversary of their annual Pennies for Pauahi giving campaign.
With close to $9,000 raised over the previous nine years, Pennies for Pauahi is meant to instill the concept of kahiau — giving from the heart without expectation of return — at a young age.
For a week, students collected everything from loose change to dollar bills which then were added up and donated to the Pauahi Foundation for early childhood education scholarships and programs. This year’s dontations totaled $1,200.
“It’s my hope every year for students to understand that it’s a kuleana of all those touched by (Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop) to give back and offer service when they are able to, for kahiau to be a way of life,” said KSH student activities coordinator Marcie Saquing.
High school students also participate in their own Pledges for Pauahi campaign. Students are raising funds through Founder’s Day on Saturday.
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