Thirty-four students represented Hawaii District at the Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair this week at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu.
The Big Island students advanced to the state fair following the 2016 district fair last month at ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center.
The following are the results of the district fair:
Junior Division (grades 6-8)
• First place, Sonja Giardina, Hilo Intermediate School, “Variation in the antibacterial properties of leaf extracts from common garden plants.”
• Second place, Maya Atwal, Waiakea Intermediate School, “Effect of salinity on Hawaiian and Micronesian taro.”
• Third place, Alexandra Kim-Lee, Hilo Intermediate School, “Sour coffee.”
• Honorable mention, Halia Buchal and Hiroki Soler, Parker School, “Filtering water with Moringa particles.”
Teacher Award: Pascale Creek Pinner, Hilo Intermediate School.
Senior Division (grades 9-12)
• First place, Keanu Pinner, Hilo High School, “Modulation of THP-1 macrophage cytokine expression by kava metabolites.”
• Second place, Moana Pinner, Hilo High School, “Investigating the SPF, antioxidant and anticancer potential of tumeric (Curcuma longa) and ginger (Zingeber officianale) combinations on melanoma cancer cells.”
• Third place, Felix Peng, Waiakea High School, “Isolation of a novel marine microorganism capable of aromatic hydrocarbon degradation in East Hawaii.”
• Honorable mention, Blair Martin, Waiakea High School, “Engineering a map application for the cultural and historical preservation of Downtown Hilo.”
Teacher Award: Nyra Dee, Hilo High School.
International Science and Engineering Fair representatives (May 8-13 in Phoenix): Keanu Pinner and Moana Pinner, Hilo High School.