Seventy years ago, on April 1, 1946, an 8.1-magnitude earthquake in the Aleutian Islands generated a tsunami that devastated Hilo. Cooperation and cheerful resolve prevailed as people helped one another to clean up after the disaster, demonstrating resilience and tenacity
Seventy years ago, on April 1, 1946, an 8.1-magnitude earthquake in the Aleutian Islands generated a tsunami that devastated Hilo. Cooperation and cheerful resolve prevailed as people helped one another to clean up after the disaster, demonstrating resilience and tenacity in the face of tremendous adversity. In this photo, neighbors helped neighbors to gather scattered merchandise on Kamehameha Avenue. April is Tsunami Awareness Month and in collaboration with the Pacific Tsunami Museum, the Tribune-Herald is publishing photos from the aftermath of the 1946 tsunami each Friday in April. Remember, “It is not a matter of if, but when.” Be prepared.
Photo courtesy of Pacific Tsunami Museum Morris Lai Signal Corps Collection