Health centers
are critical
This time of year — election season — is not one we typically associate with consensus or collaboration, even more so when the subject is health care. However, if there is one area of our social policy where there is broad bipartisan agreement, it’s the essential role of community health centers that serve as the medical home for nearly 150,000 patients throughout our state.
For almost 5o years, Hawaii’s community health centers have been tireless advocates for a comprehensive, integrated approach to health care; one which recognizes that the social origins of health — where a person lives, what kind of education they receive, how they access social support — create lasting effects on the sustainability of our communities. Often, it’s Hawaii’s poorest, most vulnerable communities where these social factors hit hardest, devastating the health and well-being of many, including the elderly and our keiki.
Our patients are treated with compassion, a respect for their culture and beliefs, and an expectation that they will be active and engaged partners in their own health. This integrated and holistic approach is how community health centers consistently deliver high-quality care that actually saves the health care system in Hawaii millions of dollars, reducing unnecessary hospitalizations while improving the health of patients with costly, chronic disease conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity.
That’s one reason local, state and federal leaders will visit local health centers as we celebrate National Health Center Week from Aug. 7-13. It’s an opportunity to recognize the innovative solutions and partnerships we’ve developed to heal our communities.
For decades, Hawaii’s community health centers and the Hawaii Primary Care Association have been champions for issues that don’t necessarily make for bold headlines but, instead, have the very real potential to save lives and save money.
In the years ahead, we will continue seeing any patient, regardless of their ability to pay, and offer the highest quality, most effective level of primary care in the state. And, most important, we will continue to seek visionary partners who will work with us to introduce cost-effective, innovative and compassionate ways to modernize and revolutionize the delivery of care so all of Hawaii’s communities are healthy, thriving and sustainable.
Robert Hirokawa
CEO, Hawaii Primary Care Association
Mary Oneha
Board chair, Hawaii Primary Care Association