Hilo badminton tourney Fri-Sat
The 43th annual Hilo Open will be held at Hilo Armory on Friday and Saturday.
Organizers expect more than 30 badminton participants from Oahu, the Big Island and Japan. Divisions include Open, A, B, C, D, single and mixed, junior, adult, and various senior levels in men’s and women’s divisions.
For registration or more information please, contact Dean Ishimoto at 938-8785, HBC.HiloOpen@gmail.com or 808portal.com.
Nobu Yamauchi softball sign-ups
The Nobu Yamauchi RBI Organization is holding registration for girls softball for ages 13-18 for a winter league season that begins in October.
For more information, please contact Tracy Miyashiro at tracymiy@hawaii.edu or 936-3681.
Waiakea seeks wrestling coach
Waiakea High is seeking a boys and girls wrestling coach for the 2016-17 season. The wrestling season runs from November to February with offseason conditioning starting in October.
Applications available at the WHS main office through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The deadline is Thursday. Applicants are subject to passing the DOE background check before hiring.
For more information, call WHS athletic director Tom Correa at 974-4830.
Parker Ranch rodeo on tap
The 42nd Annual Parker Ranch Round-Up Club Rodeo runs Saturday and Sunday at the Parker Ranch Rodeo Arena in Waimea.
The event, held annually as a fundraiser to provide scholarships for school-age children of Parker Ranch employees, begins on Saturday at noon with rodeo events, which may include everything from team roping, double mugging, Po’o Wai u, bull riding, junior bull riding, Wahine barrel racing, Wahine breakaway roping as well as the century team roping competition (one team member must be over the age of 50 and their combined ages must be more than 100). There will also be keiki barrel racing for participants 12 and under and the calf scramble.
On Sunday, a horse auction will be held at 9 a.m., and the rodeo begins at noon.
Tickets are $7 per person in advance from the Parker Ranch Store at the Parker Ranch Center and at the Parker Ranch Headquarters in Waimea, or $8 at the gate on rodeo days. Children 12 and under are free.
For more information, call 885-7311.
Mauna Loa Time Trial
The Hawaii Cycling Club will hold the Mauna Loa Training Time Trial on Sept. 24.
Registration takes place at the Native Tree Sanctuary on Saddle Road opposite Mauna Loa Access Road from 7:30-7:50 a.m. and the time trial starts at 8 a.m.
Riders have until 11:30 a.m. to complete the ride.
Non-Hawaii Cycling Club members must pay a $10 one-day insurance wavier fee.
HCC will transport clothing to the finish line.
For more information, email tomsolis@yahoo.com.
Kalakaua hoops camp
The Kalakaua Basketball Camp featuring coach Dennis Agena will be held Friday-Sunday in Keaukaha for students in kindergarten through 12th grade
Walk-ins will be accepted Friday, and the fee is $60, payable to Big Island All Stars (write Kalakaua Basketball Camp in memo).
The schedule:
Friday: 5:30-8:30 p.m. (kindergarten-12th grade)
Saturday: 9 a.m.-noon (K-6); 1-4 p.m. (7-12)
Sunday: 9 a.m.–noon (K-6); 1-4 p.m. (7-12)
For more information, contact Daphne Honma at 937-3223 or daph_o@hotmail.com.
Waiakea Pirates youth baseball sign-ups
The Waiakea Pirates youth baseball organization is looking for players to join its
T-ball, Coach Pitch, Mustang and Pony teams. Call Kathy at 896-3610 to register
Kukio Blue Water Swim
The 11th Annual Kukio Blue Water Swim will be held on Sept. 24,
After a two-year hiatus, the event is back and race organizers are looking to make it better than ever. The race consists of a 1.2-mile swim from Kua Bay to Uluweuweu Bay at Kukio starting at 8 a.m. A light breakfast and an awards ceremony will follow the race at Kikaua Point Park.
Cost is $40 per Individual (13 and older) and includes a Patagonia capilene shirt and swim cap. The cost is $20 per keiki (12 and under) and also includes a hat and swim cap.
For more information about the swim and to register go to kukioevents.com or email any inquiries toswim@kukio.com. Entries are limited to 250 participants.