Hilo Medical Center’s Auxiliary awarded 12 $1,000 scholarships to nursing students attending Hawaii schools. ADVERTISING Hilo Medical Center’s Auxiliary awarded 12 $1,000 scholarships to nursing students attending Hawaii schools. Recipients were asked to submit a resume, letter of reference and
Hilo Medical Center’s Auxiliary awarded 12 $1,000 scholarships to nursing students attending Hawaii schools.
Recipients were asked to submit a resume, letter of reference and transcript showing they had a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Auxiliary Scholarship Chairwoman Colleen Alicuben and Auxiliary member Amy Higuchi conducted a short interview with each of the applicants and chose the most deserving candidates.
This year’s recipients come from the University of Hawaii at Hilo’s School of Nursing, University of Hawaii West Oahu, Hawaii Community College’s Nursing Program in Hilo and Kona, and Hawaii Community College’s Licensed Practical Nursing Program.
Scholarships were awarded to Sherry Agonoy, Shaylyn Arakaki, Rachel Anne Felix, Ashley Fujie-Fukuki, Shaylyn Fujii, Ellie Jean Kalawe, Marc Lewis, Melissa Moats, Jenny Nagatori, Crystal Rances, Donalynn Saragosa and Vincent Soriano.
The $12,000 in scholarships was made possible through proceeds raised from sales at the Palm Tree Gift Shop in Hilo Medical Center’s lobby.
“We try our very best at the Palm Tree Gift Shop,” said Virginia Patterson Maeda, gift shop manager of 31 years. “Countless hours are dedicated to stocking the shop with meaningful gifts, cards and jewelry for hospital patients, visitors and employees to purchase.
“It’s great that we are able to earn enough funds to provide these much-needed scholarships to well-deserving nursing students who may one day take care of us.”
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