Police still waiting for DNA results in assault case

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KAILUA-KONA — The Hawaii Police Department continues to await the results of lab testing that would let it move forward in a sexual assault case that occurred at Old Kona Airport State Recreation Area last year.

KAILUA-KONA — The Hawaii Police Department continues to await the results of lab testing that would let it move forward in a sexual assault case that occurred at Old Kona Airport State Recreation Area last year.

Police Capt. Chad Basque said evidence sent to a forensic analysis lab in Honolulu can take anywhere from six to 24 months to get results back.

Until the evidence comes back, he said, the police cannot move forward with the investigation of the incident reported five months ago.

At 8:35 p.m. Sept. 3, police say, two boys reportedly approached a woman in the park area, then punched and sexually assaulted her.

Police arrested one suspect, a 15-year-old boy, one day after the attack.

He later was released into the custody of his parents.

Police also indicated there was a second suspect, described as having a “muscular build,” but no new arrests in the case have been announced.

The violent attack inspired outrage among Kona residents, many of whom voiced concern about a sexual assault suspect being released back into the community.

A demonstration in October attracted about a dozen Big Island residents who said the case wasn’t being given enough attention.

In November, police said they were awaiting the return of evidence from the state crime lab, the same evidence for which they continue to wait. Basque said at that time prosecutors wanted the results of an evidence kit before they decided to file charges.

Email Cameron Miculka at cmiculka@westhawaiitoday.com.