Ku‘ikahi Mediation Center honored its valued cadre of volunteers Feb. 17 with a Volunteer Appreciation Party at Hilo Bay Café. ADVERTISING Ku‘ikahi Mediation Center honored its valued cadre of volunteers Feb. 17 with a Volunteer Appreciation Party at Hilo Bay
Ku‘ikahi Mediation Center honored its valued cadre of volunteers Feb. 17 with a Volunteer Appreciation Party at Hilo Bay Café.
Forty-seven volunteers, staff and board members attended the festive event, whose theme for Valentine’s month was, “We Heart our Volunteers.”
“We were humbled to name Joan Shafer as our Volunteer of the Year for 2016,” said Ku‘ikahi Executive Director Julie Mitchell. “Joan is one of our most active mediators, helping at small claims court and our offices. In 2016, she conducted over 40 mediation sessions. Joan is also a volunteer facilitator and trainer who gives tirelessly of her time, talents and treasures to help our communities find solutions and grow peace.”
During fiscal year, 155 volunteers provided more than 2,467 hours of service at the nonprofit community mediation center.
“You are the heart of our organization’s efforts to build a more peaceful and collaborative community in East Hawaii,” noted board president Jeff Melrose in the event program. “Thank you for all you do!”
At the appreciation party, Arabel Camblor and Shakti Hoku Douglas were recognized for completing their mediator apprenticeships.
Mediators go through a four-day Basic Mediation Training Course in the fall and then a yearlong apprenticeship program before being selected to become Ku‘ikahi mediators. In addition, mediators take continuing education to increase their skills and knowledge, especially in specialized areas such as domestic mediations and mediations for kupuna and their caregivers.
For more information about Ku‘ikahi Mediation Center, call 935-7844 or visit www.hawaiimediation.org.
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