Volleyball clinic on Wednesday
A Mothers Prayer Foundation will hold a volleyball clinic at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at Panaewa Gym.
Check-in is at 3 p.m. for males and females ages 12-18. Cost is $40.
Featured clinicians include former UH-Manoa standout Tai Manu-Olevao, Kamehameha graduate Kaiu Ahuna and former UH-Hilo standout Josie Pinheiro.
A Mothers Prayer will compete in the AA division at the Haili Tournament team.
For more infornation, call Poli (769-9462) or email amothersprayer foundation18@gmail.com.
Waiakea seeks soccer coach
Waiakea High School is taking applications for a girls soccer coach.
Applications can be picked up from the Waiakea office during business hours, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
The deadline to apply is April 21.
For more information, call athletic director Tom Correa at 974-4830.
Hilo High openings
Hilo High School is accepting applications for the following coaching positions:
• Boys/girls air riflery coach
• Boys basketball coach
• Boys/girls wrestling coach.
Applications can be picked up at the school’s. The deadline to apply is April 14.
Hawaii Cycling Club rides
The deadline to register for Hawaii Cycling Club’s three Century Rides is April 8.
The rides consist of a full 109-mile Century, metric Century or 60 miler, and 30 mile rides, to be held Sunday, April 9, all starting at Spencer Beach Park in Kawaihae at 6:30 and 7 a.m.
No sign-ups will be available on the day of the event.
This is the fourth annual Century Rides, with all the profits going to Hospice of Kona.
Registration is $50.
To register, go to hawaiicyclingclub.com and click on Century Rides.
For more info, email Toni at tonifriesen @gmail.com.