The Hawaii Island Dressage and Eventing Association is hosting its Summer GymKhana event June 24 at the Panaewa Equestrian Center in Hilo. ADVERTISING The Hawaii Island Dressage and Eventing Association is hosting its Summer GymKhana event June 24 at the
The Hawaii Island Dressage and Eventing Association is hosting its Summer GymKhana event June 24 at the Panaewa Equestrian Center in Hilo.
The public is invited to attend. There is no admission charge for spectators.
Event registration begins at 8 a.m. with the first class starting at 9 a.m. Some of the events include ball in the bucket, keyhole race, flying W, pole bending, barrel racing, water in a cup, bucket jump and sit-a-fiver (riders bring their own $5 bill).
There will be games with categories for ages 12 and younger to 19 and older, as well as lead-line games for the keiki. Fliers and liability forms are available at Mirandas, Dells and other Hilo feed stores as well as sign-ups the day of the event.
All riders are invited — Western and English class. Saddle up for fun with your horse and friends, old and new. Ribbons will be awarded.
For more information, call Laurel Trammell at 504-377-8956 or Erin Matsui at 295-2777.
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