They say a picture tells a thousand words. One deep dance tells millions! The practice is known as a movement meditation. It is said to put the body in motion in order to still the mind. ADVERTISING They say a
They say a picture tells a thousand words. One deep dance tells millions! The practice is known as a movement meditation. It is said to put the body in motion in order to still the mind.
In the Ecstatic Dance workshop, join instructor Jo Caron on the beautiful dance floor of Hale Ho‘omana at Volcano Art Center from 2-4 p.m. Aug. 5 and discover a dynamic way to workout and meditate in the same breath.
Gabrielle Roth, who conceptualized what stands behind Ecstatic Dance, describes the practice as a soul journey and says that by moving the body, releasing the heart and freeing the mind, one can connect to the essence of the soul, the source of inspiration in which an individual has unlimited possibility and potential.
Based on the work of Roth, Ecstatic Dance moves through five different rhythms that offer many doorways to each one’s own expression. From fluid and round to rhythmic and linear, to fast and liberating, to joyful and playful, to ending in peaceful stillness. These rhythms teach us that life is energy in motion, freeing us from any fixed notions about ourselves, people, places, objects or ideas.
Ecstatic Dance unearths a freestyle movement vocabulary rooted in unexpected, fresh ways of moving — visceral and highly personal.
Caron is a certified Kripalu yoga teacher and longtime DJ at Kalani’s Ecstatic Dance. She assisted Roth at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts and participated in many of Roth’s programs.
The workshop cost is $15 or $20 for VAC nonmembers at the door. To register, call 967-8222 or visit