The Chinese Civic Association of Hawaii will conduct its 2017 annual meeting and celebrate the Moon Festival at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 30 at Church of the Holy Cross. ADVERTISING The Chinese Civic Association of Hawaii will conduct its 2017 annual
The Chinese Civic Association of Hawaii will conduct its 2017 annual meeting and celebrate the Moon Festival at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 30 at Church of the Holy Cross.
A popular moon or midautumn festival legend claims that moon cakes were instrumental in the overthrow of the Mongol dynasty that ruled China from 1271-1368. One version of the legend recounts that under the oppression of Mongol rule, Chinese rebels devised a plan to overthrow the regime. Rebel leaders then secretly inserted messages into moon cakes so the people would learn of the rebellion.
The message reportedly called for united action to overthrow the oppressive Mongols on the 15th night of the eighth lunar month. According to the legend, people responded to the call and managed to drive the Mongols out of China, leading to the restoration of Chinese rule under the Ming Dynasty in 1368.
Whether the legend is true or not, the Civic Association will celebrate the harvest moon with a dinner, fellowship and moon cakes at Holy Cross, 440 W. Lanikaula St. in Hilo. The cost is $10. Seating is limited and reservations are suggested.
For more information, call Newton Chu or Jonathan Maesato at 961-0406.
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