Hawaii County recently released results of an unscientific survey of transfer station users. ADVERTISING Hawaii County recently released results of an unscientific survey of transfer station users. County intern Taylor Reid conducted the survey at nine stations, with help from
Hawaii County recently released results of an unscientific survey of transfer station users.
County intern Taylor Reid conducted the survey at nine stations, with help from recycling staff. There were 195 respondents.
The survey found:
• 21 percent of electronic waste was recycled (the least recycled of all categories) despite the county offering a website showing where to recycle it (www.hawaiizerowaste.org/recycle/e-waste).
• 70 percent of HI-5 containers, cardboard, plastic and waste paper were being recycled.
• 78 percent of survey respondents said they “agree” or “strongly agree” that recycling should be mandatory for Hawaii.
• 91 percent “agree” or “strongly agree” that they try and recycle whatever is possible.
• 98 percent “agree” or “strongly agree” recycling is important for Hawaii.
County officials think the data is useful because the numbers are so lopsided. Even if there’s an error rate of a few points, the data remains meaningful, said Bill Kucharski, director of the Department of Environmental Management.
The county plans to use the data for “improving our program in the future,” said Recycling Coordinator George Hayducsko.
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