Hawaii Volcanoes National Park continues its tradition of sharing Hawaiian culture and After Dark in the Park programs with the public throughout 2017.
In addition, the community is invited to lend a hand to save native rain forest through the park’s Stewardship at the Summit volunteer program.
ADIP and Hawaiian cultural programs are free, but entrance fees apply. Programs are co-sponsored by Friends of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and the Hawaii Pacific Parks Association.
Mark the calendar for these upcoming events:
Stewardship at the Summit
Volunteers are needed to help remove invasive, non-native plant species that prevent native plants from growing in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Wear sturdy hiking shoes and long pants. Bring a hat, rain gear, day pack, snacks and water. Gloves and tools are provided. No advance registration is required and there is no cost to participate, but park entrance fees apply. Visit the park website for additional planning details at www.nps.gov/havo/planyourvisit/summit_stewardship.htm.
When: 9 a.m. Oct. 7, 13, 21 and 27
Where: Meet project leaders Paul and Jane Field at Kilauea Visitor Center at 8:45 a.m. on any of the above dates.
Lomi is the traditional massage practice of the Hawaiian people. There are many different styles of lomi used throughout Hawaii, and most are used as a way to heal body and mind. Lomi practitioner Annie Erbe will demonstrate this popular healing art. Part of Hawaii Volcanoes’ ‘Ike Hana No‘eau (Experience the Skillful Work) workshops. Free.
When: 10 a.m.-noon Oct. 11
Where: Kilauea Visitor Center lanai
Footprints in the Ash
Hawaiians once traversed Kilauea on foot to travel between Puna and Ka‘u, and during the 18th century, explosions from the volcano rained volcanic ash down on the people, preserving their footprints in the sands of “Keonehelelei.” Park Ranger Jay Robinson discusses new interpretive displays in the Ka‘u Desert and explains what we know today about the impact of these explosive eruptions on native society. Part of Hawaii Volcanoes’ After Dark in the Park series. Free.
When: 7 p.m. Oct. 17
Where: Kilauea Visitor Center auditorium
Mark Yamanaka in Concert
Join local recording artist Mark Yamanaka for a free concert. Yamanaka has received multiple Na Hoku Hanohano awards since the debut of his first album, “Lei Puakenikeni.” His next album, “Lei Maile,” also received critical acclaim. Yamanaka’s crisp, clear falsetto and rich baritone voice will mesmerize you. Part of Hawaii Volcanoes’ ongoing Na Leo Manu (Heavenly Voices) presentations. Free.
When: 6:30-8 p.m. Oct. 18
Where: Kilauea Visitor Center auditorium
Kahuku ‘Ohana Day
Families are invited for a day of fun, culture and discovery at the Kahuku Unit. Learn about the hidden powers that plants have to keep us healthy through the teachings of Aunty Ka‘ohu Monfort, a practitioner of la‘au lapa‘au (Hawaiian herbal medicine). Collect seeds from native plants and help park rangers bring new life to Kahuku. Youth 17 and younger and their families must sign up by Oct. 13 to participate by calling 985-6019. Bring water, lunch and snacks, sunscreen, hat, long pants, shoes and reusable water bottle. Kahuku is located between the 70- and 71-mile markers on Highway 11.
When: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 21
Where: Kahuku Unit
Lau Hala
Join park staff and learn one of the great traditional arts of Hawaii, ulana lau hala. Hawaiians have used the hala (pandanus) tree to create many useful and beautiful items for centuries. Learn to weave lau hala and take home your own piece of lau hala art. Part of Hawaii Volcanoes’ ‘Ike Hana No‘eau (Experience the Skillful Work) workshops. Free.
When: 10 a.m.-noon Oct. 25
Where: Kilauea Visitor Center lanai