Two arrests have been made within the Leilani Estates subdivision in Puna, police said Monday.
Two arrests have been made within the Leilani Estates subdivision in Puna, police said Monday.
A 49-year-old woman, Cynthia Verschuur of Pahoa, allegedly disregarded two separate police roadblocks manned by uniformed police officers who commanded that her vehicle stop at a lava checkpoint at Leilani Street and Pohoiki Road, and Highway 130 and Malama Street.
Verschuur was arrested and charged with two counts of obstructing governmental operations, two counts of failing to obey police officers, and one count of loitering and refusal to evacuate. Total bail was set at $5,000.
Verschuur was also arrested three times in 2015 on Maunakea during the same time frame protests of the Thirty Meter Telescope was taking place.
David Ream, 29-years old of Pahoa, was arrested and charged after he was allegedly operating a dirt-bike that approached the Highway 130 and Kamili Road lava checkpoint.
Ream initially stopped, then subsequently drove past the lava post, ignoring the officer’s command to stop. He was apprehended at Highway 130 and Bryson’s Cinders Quarry Road, police said.
Ream was arrested and charged with three bench warrants, aggregate bail of $400, one count of obstructing governmental operations, one count of loitering and refusal to evacuate. Numerous traffic infractions were also issued to Ream. Total bail set for additional offenses was set at $4,250.
Police remind motorists to obey lava post stops and directions given by police officers.
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