Great commentary
I think the entire Commentary page on Saturday, Jan. 19, was exceptional.
The Los Angeles Times reported that in addition to all of the government workers in crisis with no foreseeable income, this shutdown is affecting the economy because that money is not being spent!
Rudolph Bush of the Dallas Morning News is asking questions that the entire free world should be asking.
Why does the president of the United States repeatedly take sides with Vladimir Putin, the tyrant most hostile to our national interests? Why are the president’s conversations with Putin shared with no one!? Interpreters’ notes are destroyed, and they are sworn to secrecy.
These are just two of the many questions that must be asked of and answered by the president, not his cronies.
The president claims that the world is laughing at us. No, they’re laughing at him and shaking their heads in disbelief at the rest of us.
This Commentary is a page to be read and reread.
D. Marie
Lucky to have zoo
Does our community know that the Pana‘ewa Rainforest Zoo is the only rain forest zoo in the United States?
Well, it is, and we are also blessed to have the correctional inmates cleaning up the aina throughout the zoo. They each are working with kokua to show the treasure of our trees and all the greenery.
We are truly blessed living in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Lynise Tarring
‘Enlightened voters’
Don’t blame citizens/voters for lack of action on climate change; we are not in favor of the options being offered because they are wrong-minded and misconceived, and they do not deserve our support.
With the majority of the planet not doing what might be needed to slow the rise of the oceans, the issue is not what can the United States do to slow the rise. Rather, it is what should we do to adjust to the fact that it will rise.
We need new cities to be planned and built that are away from the coasts and the rising water levels and intense storms we are sure to have in the future — new cities built in smart ways with great new infrastructure, etc.
That is the future, and that is what enlightened voters will support.
Carl Oguss