An altercation on campus led to a lockdown at Hilo High School this afternoon.
An altercation on campus led to a lockdown at Hilo High School this afternoon.
According to a letter sent to parents by Principal Robert Dircks and posted on the school’s website, the incident, which he described as “an altercation involving multiple students” occurred at about 12:50 p.m. today.
“School administration and Hawaii Police officers responded immediately and addressed the situation,” Dircks wrote.
According to Dircks, the lockdown “remained in place through 2:28 p.m., until all participants in the fight could be picked up by their parents.”
He said students were dismissed at the normal 2:25 p.m. release time.
Police Capt. Kenneth Quiocho said a 15-year-old boy was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. He was released to the custody of his guardian.
A full story will appear in Wednesday’s Tribune-Herald.
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