Mary Bowman-DeMent and JB Friday will share their experiences with online photo sharing platforms at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 9, at the Komohana Agriculture Research &Extension Center, Room D-202.
Mary Bowman-DeMent and JB Friday will share their experiences with online photo sharing platforms at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 9, at the Komohana Agriculture Research &Extension Center, Room D-202.
Bowman-DeMent will discuss how she uses Instagram as a travel planning tool and guide those interested in using the app with some basic instructions on getting started as a photo sharing platform.
Friday will talk about how he uses Instagram and Flickr to reach different audiences with an educational program. He has found that there are significant differences among the social media platforms, and it is worthwhile using more than one. He will show his photo galleries and discuss how he integrates them with his website.
For more information, contact James B. Friday at 969-8254 or
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