Introduction to Flameworking
In the multifaceted world of glass, Volcano Art Center is pleased to expand its offerings of glass art with two separate introductory flameworking workshops.
Flameworking, also known as lampworking or torchworking, is a type of glasswork where the artist uses a torch or lamp to melt glass. Once in a molten state, the glass is shaped with tools and hand movements, forming beads, figurines or other similar miniature artwork.
This class, designed for students who have never touched a torch, is sure to spark your interest. Instructor Nash Adams-Pruitt will teach the regions of the flame and heat base for a solid foundation from which to build flamework skills. Nash will lead the class in creating sphere forms and pendants.
Students will complete this workshop with their own finished design and the knowledge and experience of the basic skills involved to continue flameworking.
Attendees are asked to wear covered shoes.
Advance registration is required; workshop limited to six adults.
When: 5-8 p.m. July 2 and 9
Where: Volcano Art Center Niaulani Campus
Cost: $80, or $75 for VAC members, for either workshop, plus a $40 supply fee.
Edible Landscaping for Backyards and Beyond
Learn how to transform your lanai and lawn and your field and fence into an abundant oasis of edible and multifunctional plants with instructor Zach Mermel.
Attendees will explore a range of edible plants that can grow mauka to makai. A packet of practical readings and resources for further learning is included. Participants will get to take home a number of edible plants.
How akamai are you about environmentally-friendly landscaping and gardening? Have you ever considered methods for rapidly expanding the plant biodiversity for your garden? What are some of the most nutritious plants that you and your family can grow easily?
If you’re saying, “Yes, yes and, well, I have no idea,” then consider signing up for this workshop.
When: 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. July 6
Where: Volcano Art Center Niaulani Campus
Cost: $40, or $30 for VAC members, plus a $15 materials fee.
Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus is located at 19-4074 Old Volcano Road in Volcano Village. For more information or to register for any VAC workshops, call 967-8222 or visit