Updgrades made at Thelma Parker library in Waimea

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Thelma Parker Memorial Public and School Library marked the completion of several upgrades with a celebration Aug. 2.

Thanks to funding from the Friends of Thelma Parker Memorial Library, the library installed a new circulation desk, storage areas and new windows and screens. The library was closed July 16-19 for construction work and reopened July 20.

Patrons, board members and staff enjoyed refreshments during an informal afternoon gathering hosted by the library.

“We want to thank our patrons for their patience during the closure while we made the upgrades to improve the library experience for everyone,” said Pam Akao, branch manager. “We especially want to thank the Friends of Thelma Parker Memorial Library for funding this much-needed work.”

Contractors were Roy Lambrecht Woodworking (circulation desk and storage), Stutts Construction (windows and screens) and E Ten Inc. (electrical).