A gift of books; Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope donates STEM tomes to Thelma Parker library

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In celebration of its 40th anniversary, Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope recently presented a gift of children’s and adult STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) books to Thelma Parker Memorial Public and School Library in Waimea.

CFHT also donated books to several Big Island schools.

Mary Beth Laychak, director of strategic communications at CFHT, presented the books to library staff.

“The Thelma Parker library is a tremendous community resource in Waimea and great community partner with us,” Laychak said. “We know that the books we’ve donated will be loved, read and cared for by the library and the keiki in our community.”

The gift titles include “Awesome Physic Experiments for Kids” by Erica L. Colon, PhD; “Cece Loves Science” by Kimberly Derting and Shelli R. Johannes; The McGraw-Hill “Big Book of Science Activities” by Robert W. Wood; “A Sky Wonderful with Stars” by Michael J. West; “The Space Book” by Jim Bell; and “Stargazing: Beginners Guide to Astronomy” by Radmila Topalovic and Tom Kerss.

“We congratulate Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on its 40th anniversary, “said Pam Akao, Thelma Parker library branch manager. “CFHT has been a great community partner for us and for our NASA@My Library initiative. We’re very grateful for their support and for their generous donation of STEM books for our collection.”