American Legion Post 3 is celebrating the American Legion Centennial; 100 years of service and camaraderie for all veterans since World War I, World War II, Korean and Vietnam Wars and now the Middle East War on Terror.
The American Legion announced all honorably discharged veterans from any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces are now eligible to join and become members. Post 3 members served valiantly in these services and continue their stewardship in defending the nation’s freedom.
The Legion also offers programs for youths including baseball, Boys State/Nation, Scouting, an oratorical contest and Operation Comfort Warriors, and for our adult groups including Legion Riders M/C, the National Convention, the National Emergency Fund, Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion.
There is lots of community interaction planned for this special centennial celebration. Post 3 already had a recruitment booth at the Hawaii County Fair in September.