Volunteers remove 2,500 pounds of marine debris

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In an effort to help beautify Hawaii, a group of about 45 volunteers from all over the Big Island converged recently on Honokohau Harbor, just outside of Kona.

The focus of their efforts was to remove as much man-made debris from the harbor waters as possible. The group effort was organized by Ocean Defenders Alliance, Hawaii. It is a nonprofit organization based out of California that has working relationships with four dive shops in Hawaii.

This is the sixth cleanup the group has done at Honokohau Harbor, which is a world-renowned dive and fishing port.

ODA works in conjunction with Jacks Diving Locker, which supplies the scuba tanks for free to all the divers, as well as helping with the logistics of putting the volunteer effort together.

About two dozen divers worked on the project. Most of the people were from Kona, but several people came from Hilo.

ODA works with, and has the blessing of, the officials at the harbor master’s office.

The main focus of these event is to get all this plastic out of the water. As it degrades over time, it releases toxins into the water, which have serious consequences for the corals, turtle, fish and other marine life.

These animals can also become entangled in the debris.

In all the group removed 45 tires and about 2,500 pounds of other marine debris.

Check out the ODA website: www.oceandefenders.org and look at the calendar for the next scheduled event.