The state Department of Health reported two new cases of COVID-19 as of noon today, bringing the statewide total number of cases to 609.
The state Department of Health reported two new cases of COVID-19 as of noon today, bringing the statewide total number of cases to 609.
Both new cases are in Maui County, which has the second-highest number of total cases, 115. One of those cases is the first known Lanai resident to contract the virus. That person contracted the virus on Maui and remains there for the time being, according to DOH.
The City and County of Honolulu remains at 396 cases, Hawaii County at 70 and Kauai County — which has the most stringent lockdown order in the state — at 21.
So far 16 people have died of COVID-19 in Hawaii, all on Oahu or Maui.
Of those diagnosed, 69 have required hospitalization and 505 have been released from isolation.
Seven of the cases were Hawaii residents diagnosed outside the state, but are considered Hawaii cases by U.S. Centers for Disease Control reporting guidelines.
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