Yukio Okutsu residents treated to surprise parade

KELSEY WALLING/Tribune-Herald Family members wave as they pass by residents.

KELSEY WALLING/Tribune-Herald Veterans home residents and employees wait for the parade to start.

KELSEY WALLING/Tribune-Herald Janet Hamada waves a flag.

KELSEY WALLING/Tribune-Herald Toni Isabel smiles as her vehicle drives past residents Friday.

KELSEY WALLING/Tribune-Herald Recreation director Stacyn Sakuma waves alongside Susumu Nakagawa and Kozo Hirayama during a parade Friday in front of Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home in Hilo.

KELSEY WALLING/Tribune-Herald Tom Otomo waves a flag in front of Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home.

KELSEY WALLING/Tribune-Herald A family member waves to a relative at Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home.

KELSEY WALLING/Tribune-Herald Kozo Hirayama, left, talks with activity assistant Rachael Segawa Friday during a Memorial Day parade at Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home in Hilo.

After two months of isolation from any visitors, family members and loved ones put on a surprise parade for Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home residents on Friday morning.

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