West Hawaii Today staff
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State health officials on Monday reported 140 new cases of COVID-19 as Hawaii’s total case count surpassed 3,600.

The Department of Health also reported three additional coronavirus-related deaths. One was an elderly Oahu female, and the two others were elderly Oahu men, one who had underlying health conditions. No additional information was released.


Of the new positive cases announced Monday, 138 were on Oahu, with Kauai and Maui counties reporting one each, according to the Hawaii COVID-19 Joint Information Center. With the new cases, Hawaii has now seen 3,638 cases of the coronavirus since Feb. 28.

Oahu has recorded the majority of the cases with 3,249 cases while Maui County has recorded 186 cases, Hawaii County 131 and Kauai County 49. Twenty-three residents have tested positive while out of the state.

Of the Hawaii residents who have tested positive for COVID-19, 1,586 have since recovered and been released from isolation. That includes 117 of the 131 known cases on Hawaii Island. Statewide, 242, or 7% of COVID-19 patients, have required hospitalization, including four on Hawaii Island.

Of the 34 deaths reported among Hawaii residents, 27 were on Oahu, six were on Maui and one was a Kauai resident receiving treatment in Arizona at the time he died.

In other coronavirus-related news, the state Department of Public Safety said there were no new COVID-19 cases reported among staff or inmates on Monday. The total case count stands at 13, with six cases among inmates and seven cases among staff.

The staff cases are at Oahu Community Correctional Center (three), Halawa Correctional Facility (one), Waiawa Correctional Facility (two) and the Sheriff Division (one). All of the six inmate cases are housed at Oahu Community Correctional Center.

To date, no inmates or staff at Hawaii Community Correctional Center on the Big Island have tested positive.

Contact tracing of all previously reported positive COVID-19 cases is ongoing with the DOH.

On Sunday, 179 people arrived via five direct flights from the mainland to Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keahole. The figure does not include arrivals via interisland flights.

Sixty-nine of the passengers coming to Kona on Sunday were returning residents, 65 were visitors, 24 were relocating to Hawaii, 19 were crew and two were in transit and did not leave the airport.

Per the Joint Information Center, none of the 179 people who flew to the Big Island Sunday were exempt from Gov. David Ige’s mandatory 14-day quarantine for travelers arriving from outside the state. Neither were the 168 who arrived Saturday or 153 that flew in Friday.

The interisland quarantine rule that ended June 16 will be partially reinstated today, Ige announced last week. People arriving on Oahu from the other islands won’t need to quarantine, but travelers arriving in the other counties from other islands will.

To report violations in Hawaii County of Gov. David Ige’s emergency proclamations and orders, call 935-0031.