Over the last three months, state officers have investigated six suspected chemical poisonings of streams north of Hilo, the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement announced today.
DOCARE officers have collected samples of Tahitian prawns, water and sediment to verify poisonings after photographs showed mass die-off’s of this popular local delicacy.
Some photographs show prawns dying in streams or on their banks. Officers believe this indicates the prawns tried to get out of water that had been poisoned, according to the DLNR.
In April 2018, DLNR documented another series of poisonings in many of the same streams. DOCARE investigators say unless suspects are caught in the act of using pesticides or other chemicals on streams, cases are difficult to prosecute.
The DLNR is appealing to people to be careful about the sources of their prawns and to provide detailed information if they believe a stream has been poisoned.
Those with any information should notify DOCARE at (808) 933-3460, or 643-DLNR, or via the free DLNRtip app. Note time of day, date and vehicle/license plates. Provide photographs if possible and a call-back number.
People who observe prawns crawling out of the water should freeze them as soon as possible (poisons break down quickly).
The quicker this information is provided the higher the chance specialists can get water and sediment samples, DLNR said.
No arrests have been made, but several of the incidents are being actively investigated. Anyone convicted of poisoning a Hawaii stream could face felony criminal charges and civil penalties, which upon conviction can carrying significant fines and/or jail time.
“These poisonings not only risk the public’s health when they unknowingly eat a poisoned prawn, but clearly this illegal activity has dramatic and negative impacts on the otherwise pristine streams flowing from the mountains and into the ocean on Hawaii Island,” DOCARE Chief Jason Redulla said. “If anyone has information on any of these poisoning’s we strongly urge you to contact DOCARE.”