The Volcano Village Artists Hui 34th annual Art Studio Tour & Sale is being adapted to fit these challenging times.
The Volcano Village Artists Hui 34th annual Art Studio Tour & Sale is being adapted to fit these challenging times.
During the traditional Thanksgiving weekend, participating artists will offer various ways to acquire art using safety guidelines, including online orders, scheduled appointments and/or modified on-site studio tours. Many artists will continue these opportunities throughout the month of December and beyond.
Several locations plan to be open for direct sales, including Fahrenheit 2400 Glass Gallery and Volcano Garden Arts. Elizabeth Miller, Margaret Barnaby and Erik Wold are taking appointments to visit their studios, and Lisa Louise Adams, Margaret Barnaby, Chiu Leong, Charlotte Forbes Perry, Joan Yoshioka and Emily Herb invite the community to visit their websites for online purchases.
However, any of these plans can change because of health and safety considerations. The hui encourages community members to contact the individual artists and discover the most current available options.
Please check or Instagram @VolcanoArtHui for updates and individual artists’ contact information.
The hui extends its thanks to the community for its valued support throughout the years.
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