Here are the results of the 58th Annual Merrie Monarch Festival’s Miss Aloha Hula competition, held June 24 at Edith Kanaka‘ole Multi-Purpose Stadium in Hilo:
Here are the results of the 58th Annual Merrie Monarch Festival’s Miss Aloha Hula competition, held June 24 at Edith Kanaka‘ole Multi-Purpose Stadium in Hilo:
• Miss Aloha Hula 2021 — Rosemary Ka‘imilei Keamoai-Strickland of Ka La ‘Onohi Mai O Ha‘eha‘e, na kumu hula Tracie and Keawe Lopes, 1,114 points.
• First runner-up: Ashley Kilioulaninuiamamaoho‘opi‘iwahinekapualokeokalaniakea Lai of Halau Ka Liko Pua O Kalaniakea, kumu hula Kapua Dalire-Moe, 1,113 points.
• Second runner-up: Maka‘ala Kahikinaokalalani Victoria Perry of Ke Kai O Kahiki, kumu hula La‘akea Perry, 1,100 points. She also won the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Hawaiian Language Award with 49 points.
The group hula kahiko (ancient hula) competition, which was held June 25, will be broadcast Friday on KFVE-TV (K5) starting at 6 p.m. Friday and online at
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