The state Department of Education today announced that all student-athletes, athletic staff and volunteers will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sept. 24 to participate in school-sanctioned athletic activities during the current school year.
The state Department of Education today announced that all student-athletes, athletic staff and volunteers will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Sept. 24 to participate in school-sanctioned athletic activities during the current school year.
Due to the state’s high positivity rate, the DOE also has delayed the start of the fall athletic season until Sept. 24 to allow for anyone unvaccinated or not yet fully vaccinated to get inoculated.
“We opened the new school year this week with in-person learning and our highest priority is to ensure all students can continue to attend school safely,” interim Superintendent Keith Hayashi said in a news release. “This decision was not made lightly because we know the important role athletics play in a well-rounded education, but we cannot jeopardize the health and safety of our students and communities. We saw over the weekend the impact that just one potential case can have on sports teams, students and families. The alternative is canceling the season outright, which we don’t want to have to do; so we are implementing this layered plan that prioritizes vaccinations as the best way to protect against and reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19.”
Students and staff who receive an initial COVID vaccine dose by Aug. 20 can be fully vaccinated by the Sept. 24 deadline.
By Aug. 20, proof of full vaccination or administration of the first and/or second vaccination dose must be submitted to the school’s principal in order to initially qualify to participate in school-sanctioned athletic activities, the DOE said.
Proof of full vaccination will be required by Sept. 24. Individual who are not fully vaccinated by this date will not be allowed to participate in athletics.
Full vaccination is defined as two weeks after a second dose in a two-dose series or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine.
Students and adults may seek exemption from COVID-19 vaccination requirements for religious or medical reasons, with the appropriate documentation.
According to the DOE, medical exemptions must be verified in writing by a licensed physician. If an exemption is granted, the individual is allowed to participate in athletics but will be required to submit to twice-weekly COVID-19 tests.
Schools are sending a letter home today with more details.
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