Send ’em packing
This is regarding “County: ‘Love Island’ got a free pass” (Tribune-Herald, Oct. 20).
This is exactly the problem! So many county and state employees are too scared to say someone is screwing up their job or just simply incompetent.
These employees should be given a one-way ticket to “Love Island.”
Phil Swarz
‘Disposal paradigm’
The two planning commissioners from Naalehu have spoken: Like it or not, there will be a new institution above Hilo hospital.
On the bright side, that complex will have a self-contained wastewater system.
This new disposal paradigm is good. It leaves our inept county department out of the picture. It saves the rest of us money because the developer pays for their own infrastructure. They will own and operate it.
Going south, Naalehu has rumors of a similar development on the old Hutchison sugar plantation property. On the contrary, the county has spent so much money on those municipal sewer plans that nobody wants to audit the boondoggle.
The Hilo project and the Ka‘u project are both still on the drawing board. They might change into privately owned relocation centers.
Our local government is changed, too. Zoom meetings leave common citizens in the dust.
Now, the only county facility where people of like minds can assemble and share ideas is in jail.
Jerry Warren
Prolonging the pandemic
Once all people who want vaccinations have received them, why don’t we open everything up again 100%?
There are two key variables in the virus becoming more dangerous by evolving. One is the number of people it can still effect, and the other is the duration of time in which this happens — longer time equals more time to mutate.
So, unless we are going to actually force and enforce getting vaccinated, we would be much better off if we can bring the infection process to a close sooner rather than later.
Those with additional concerns after being vaccinated ought to wear real medical-quality masks and continue to socially distance.
The alternative is what we are doing now, which seems destined to prolong the infection period and give the virus the most chances to mutate into something worse.
Carl F. Oguss
Vaccinations for all
To prevent further spread of the novel coronavirus, we should require everyone to get fully vaccinated (including a possible third dose) — unless exempted by a sincerely held religious belief or medical condition.
We should write to our legislators and executives at all levels of government.
Alvin Blake