Summer of COVID hope ends in gloom

WASHINGTON — The summer that was supposed to mark America’s independence from COVID-19 is instead drawing to a close with the U.S. more firmly under the tyranny of the virus, with deaths per day back up to where they were in March.

Trump tramples on his one virus victory

Then-President Donald Trump’s catastrophic mishandling of the pandemic last year has already secured his place among the worst presidents in America’s history. The one bright spot in the entire tragic debacle was his administration’s speed in developing vaccines against the coronavirus. Now, in a sorry postscript that severely undermines that achievement, Trump says he will likely refuse the recommended vaccine booster, with the bizarre claim that it’s some kind of for-profit scam.

Sister City program survives pandemic

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has put pause to the customary travel among sister cities, but Hawaii County and local organizations have found workarounds to keep the relationships alive until officials can return to the skies.

Abortion rises as major election issue

After President Joe Biden’s tragic spectacle of administrative incompetence, pundits said Afghanistan was going to be the chief issue in the midterm elections. Then the Supreme Court showed up as justices refused to halt a Texas legal maneuver that could stop abortions in the state and later elsewhere despite Roe v. Wade permission. Progressive punishment awaits.

Idaho hospitals begin rationing health care amid COVID surge

BOISE, Idaho — Idaho public health leaders announced Tuesday that they activated “crisis standards of care” allowing health care rationing for the state’s northern hospitals because there are more coronavirus patients than the institutions can handle.

COVID-19 boosters: How will they work?

COVID-19 booster shots may be coming for at least some Americans but already the Biden administration is being forced to scale back expectations — illustrating just how much important science still has to be worked out.